Judicial Branch Directory
Search by location:
- All Judicial Centers
- Aguadilla
- Aibonito
- Arecibo
- Bayamón
- Caguas
- Carolina
- Fajardo
- Guayama
- Humacao
- Mayagüez
- Ponce
- San Juan
- Utuado
- Court of Appeals
- Supreme Court
- Office of Court Administration (OAT)
It includes the following municipalities: Aguada, Aguadilla, Isabela, Moca, Rincón, and San Sebastián.
Monday through Friday, 8:30 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.
(787) 891-2575
70 Calle Progreso
(next to Coliseo Luis T. Díaz)
PO Box 1010
Aguadilla, PR 00605-1010
Monday through Friday, 8:30 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.
The Investigations Division is open Monday through Friday, 8:30 a.m. – 7:00 p.m.
(787) 819-5747
Calle Progreso 101, Edificio Aguadilla City Plaza
(across from Farmacia del Carmen)
PO Box 1010
Aguadilla, PR 00605-1010
Monday through Friday, 8:30 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.
(787) 868-2969
Avenida Natio Alers (South detour )
Anexo Mueblería la 15
PO Box 744
Aguada, PR 00602-0744
(Hears cases from Aguada and Rincón)
Monday through Friday, 8:30 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.
(787) 872-5995
Barrio Mora, Carr. 2 Km 110.9
(Lateral road, arriving at Isabela Mall)
PO Box 868
Isabela, PR 00662-0868
San Sebastián
Monday through Friday, 8:30 a.m. – 5:00 p.m
(787) 280-0520
Calle Severo Arena
(next to the Police Station)
PO Box 1571
San Sebastián, PR 00685-1571
(Hears cases from Moca and San Sebastián)
Judicial Branch services available at the Aguadilla Judicial Region
Notarial Archive
(787) 882-2572
53 Calle Betances
PO Box 930
Aguadilla, PR 00605-0930
Family and Minors Social Services Unit
(787) 891-5555
extensions 2182, 2183, and 2671
(787) 882-5334
Third floor of the Judicial Center
It includes the following municipalities: Aibonito, Barranquitas, Coamo, Comerío, and Orocovis.
Monday through Friday, 8:30 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. The Investigations Division is open during this time.
(787) 735-7276
(787) 735-1879
Urb. Los Robles 150 Calle Turquesa
PO Box 1449 Aibonito, PR 00705-1449
Monday through Friday, 8:30 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.
(787) 825-1030
(787) 825-6459
69 Avenida Maratón San Blás
(next to the Police Station)
PO Box 1923
Coamo, PR 00769-1923
Monday through Friday, 8:30 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.
(787) 875-2390
(787) 875-2114
16 Calle Georgetti
PO Box 1113
Comerío, PR 00782-1113
(Hears cases from Comerío and Barranquitas)
Monday through Friday, 8:30 a.m. – 5:00 p.m
(787) 867-2050
(787) 867-3590
8 Calle Antiguo Hospital (Exit to Coamo)
(next to the Police Station)
PO Box 2119
Orocovis, PR 00720-2119
Judicial Branch services available at the Aibonito Judicial Region
(787) 735-9168
(787) 735-1879
Second floor of the Judicial Center
Investigations Division
(787) 735-9166
First floor of the Judicial Center
Conflict Mediation Center
(787) 735-9179
(787) 735-9181
First floor of the Judicial Center
Family and Minors Social Services Unit
(787) 735-7276
(787) 735-1879
Second floor of the Judicial Center
It includes the following municipalities: Arecibo, Barceloneta, Camuy, Ciales, Florida, Hatillo, Manatí, Morovis, and Quebradillas.
(787) 878-7530
extensions 2011 and 2039 / (787) 650-6384
(787) 878-1075 / (787) 878-8282
553 Avenida José A. Cedeño
PO Box 6005
Arecibo, PR 00613-6005
Monday through Friday, 8:30 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.
(787) 871-3310
(787) 871-1993
Calle Lino Corretjer
(next to the Police Station)
PO Box 1340
Ciales, PR 00638-1340
Monday through Friday, 8:30 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.
(787) 846-6850
(787) 970-0925
Juan Cancel Ríos Government Center
Barrio Cataluña, Carr. 140 Km. 68.6
PO Box 951
Barceloneta, PR 00617-0951
(Hears cases from Barceloneta and Florida)
Monday through Friday, 8:30 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.
(787) 898-4230
(787) 262-3297
Calle Ferrocarril Esquina, Carr. 130
(next to Academia de Belleza)
PO Box 66
Hatillo, PR 00659-0066
(Hears cases from Hatillo and Quebradillas)
Monday through Friday, 8:30 a.m. – 5:00 p.m
(787) 898-2050
(787) 262-5152
Camuy Government Center
Avenida Amador 485
PO Box 659
Camuy, PR 00627-0659
Monday through Friday, 8:30 a.m. – 5:00 p.m
(787) 854-2270
(787) 854-6404
Carr. 2 Manatí Government Center
(next to the Police Station)
PO Box 860
Manatí, PR 00674-0860
Judicial Branch services available at the Judicial Region of Arecibo
Notarial Archive
(787) 817-1779 / (787) 240-3917
(787) 878-0090
161 Calle San Felipe
(next to the Marilú Pharmacy)
Investigations Division
(787) 650-6384
Annex Building of the Judicial Center
(787) 650-6383
(787) 878-8282
Second floor of the annex building to the Judicial Center
Domestic Violence Court
(787) 878-7530
extensions 2727 and 2738
Annex Building of the Judicial Center
Conflict Mediation Center
(787) 650-6407
(787) 650-6406
552 Avenida Rotario, Local Number 3
Barrio Hato Tejas
Drug Court
(787) 650-6382
(787) 878-7530
extensions 2776 and 2778
Third floor of the Judicial Center
Jury Duty Administration Bureau
(787) 878-7530
extensions 2211 and 2235
Family and Minors Social Services Unit
(787) 650-6385
(787) 878-8282
Second floor of the Annex Building to the Judicial Center
It includes the following municipalities: Bayamón, Cataño, Corozal, Dorado, Guaynabo, Naranjito, Toa Alta, Toa Baja, Vega Alta, and Vega Baja.
Monday through Friday, 8:30 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.
The Investigations Division is open Monday through Sunday, including holidays, 8:30 a.m. – 10:00 p.m.
(787) 785-3300
(787) 740-2700
Carr. 2 Km. 10.4
Corner of Calle Esteban Padilla
PO Box 60619
Bayamón, PR 00960-6019
(Hears cases from Bayamón, Cataño, and Naranjito)
Sala de Relaciones de Familia y Asuntos de Menores
Monday through Friday, 8:30 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.
(787) 620-9740
(787) 620-9748 / (787) 730-2152
No. 4690 Carr. 167
PO Box 4302
Bayamón, PR 00958-4302
To prevent COVID-19 transmission, cases pertaining to this court will be heard in Toa Alta.
(787) 859-2750
(787) 859-1941
Barrio Cibuco, Carr. 818 Km. 0.5
(across from Urb. Sylva)
PO Box 905
Corozal, PR 00783-0905
Toa Alta
Monday through Friday, 8:30 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.
(787) 870-3317
(787) 870-2395
Calle Muñoz Rivera, Barrio Contorno
(next to the Police barracks)
PO Box 1336
Toa Alta, PR 00954-1336
(Hears cases from Dorado, Toa Alta, and Toa Baja)
Monday through Friday, 8:30 a.m. – 5:00 p.m
(787) 720-6500
(787) 790-7740
Government Center, Carr. 20 Km. 5
PO Box 1189
Guaynabo, PR 00970-1189
Toa Baja
Monday through Friday, 8:30 a.m. – 5:00 p.m
(787) 261-6610
(787) 261-0576
Centro Comercial Levittown Plaza I
Urb. Levittown, Carr. 165
1451 Calle Marginal Suite, No. 3
Toa Baja, PR 00949-4107
(Hears cases from Dorado, Toa Alta, and Toa Baja)
Vega Baja
Monday through Friday, 8:30 a.m. – 5:00 p.m
(787) 858-2725
(787) 858-2575
Carr. 2 Km. 38.3
(next to the Government Center)
PO Box 4158
Vega Baja, PR 00964-4158
(Hears cases from Vega Baja and Vega Alta)
Judicial Branch services available at the Bayamón Judicial Region
Notarial Archive
(787) 622-2544
(787) 995-0328
39 Calle José Celso Barbosa
Court Improvement Project
(787) 620-9740
extension 2424
Fourth floor of the Family and Minors Court
(787) 288-6166
(787) 740-2700
Third floor of the Judicial Center
Investigations Division
(787) 288-6105
Basement of the Judicial Center
Conflict Mediation Center
(787) 288-6133
(787) 288-6179
Third floor of the Judicial Center
Domestic Violence Court
(787) 785-3300
extensions 2423 and 2424
Fourth floor of the Judicial Center
Pro Se Center
(787) 785-3300
extension 2174
Third floor of the Judicial Center
(787) 620-9740
extensions 2120, 2121, 2122, 2123, and 2124
First floor of the Family and Minors Court
Drug Court
(787) 785-3300
extensions 2051 and 2451
Sixth floor of the Judicial Center
Jury Duty Administration Bureau
(787) 785-3300
extensions 2067 and 2127
Family and Minors Social Services Unit
(787) 620-9740
(787) 878-8282
Second floor of the Family and Minors Court
It includes the following municipalities: Aguas Buenas, Caguas, Cayey, Cidra, Gurabo, Juncos, and San Lorenzo.
Monday through Friday, 8:30 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.
The Investigations Division is open Monday through Friday, 8:30 a.m. – 8:00 p.m.
(787) 653-0070
(787) 653-0154
Carr. PR 1, Intersection PR 189
Km. 0.4, Barrio Bairoa
(North entrance Pueblo Caguas)
PO Box 491
Caguas, PR 00726-0491
(Hears cases from Aguas Buenas, Caguas, Cayey, Cidra, Gurabo, Juncos, and San Lorenzo)
Judicial Branch services available at the Caguas Judicial Region
Notarial Archive
(787) 665-5725 / (787) 328-9058
(787) 743-8050
43 Calle Ruiz Belvis
Corner of Calle Acosta
Caguas, PR 00725
Investigations Division
(787) 653-2584
First floor of the Judicial Center
(787) 653-1231
Second floor of the Judicial Center
Domestic Violence Court
(787) 653-0070
extensions 2600, 2601, and 2603
First floor of the Judicial Center
Conflict Mediation Center
(787) 653-122
Second floor of the Judicial Center
Drug Court
(787) 653-0175
extensions 2630 and 2631
Fifth floor of the Judicial Center
Pro Se Center
(787) 653-0175
extensions 2612, 2613, and 2614
Sixth floor of the Judicial Center
Family and Minors Social Services Unit
(787) 653-1245
(787) 745-5535
Fifth floor of the Judicial Center
Jury Duty Administration Bureau
(787) 653-0070
extensions 2216 and 2224
It includes the following municipalities: Carolina, Canóvanas, Loíza, and Trujillo Alto.
Monday through Friday, from 8:30 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.
The Investigations Division is open during this time.
(787) 752-6900
(787) 257-3545
CAvenida 65 Infantería, Carr. 3 Km. 11.7
(Entrance to Urb. Mansiones de Carolina)
PO Box 267
Carolina, PR 00986-0267
(Hears cases from Carolina, Canóvanas, Loíza, and Trujillo Alto)
Judicial Branch services available at the Carolina Judicial Region
Investigations Division
(787) 752-6900 extensions 2272, 2273, and 2299
First floor of the Judicial Center
(787) 776-4547
(787) 257-3545
Third floor of the Judicial Center
Domestic Violence Court
(787) 752-6900
extensions 2702, 2703, and 2704
Third floor of the Judicial Center
Conflict Mediation Center
(787) 776-4536
(787) 776-4559
First floor of the Judicial Center
Drug Court
(787) 752-6900
extensions 2137 and 2138
(787) 752-8805
First floor of the Judicial Center
Pro Se Center
(787) 752-6900
extensions 2149, 2150, 2152, and 2153
Third floor of the Judicial Center
Family and Minors Social Services Unit
(787) 776-4549
(787) 768-0565
Third floor of the Judicial Center
Jury Duty Administration Bureau
(787) 752-6900 extensions 2199 and 2298
It includes the following municipalities: Ceiba, Culebra, Fajardo, Luquillo, Río Grande, and Vieques.
Monday through Friday,
from 8:30 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.
The Investigations Division is open during this time.
(787) 655-0620
(787) 655-0560
Avenida Marcelito Gotay Edificio 461
Corner of Barriada Jerusalén
PO Box 70009
Fajardo, PR 00738-7009
(Hears cases from Ceiba, Cuebra, Fajardo, Luquillo, and Río Grande)
Monday through Friday, 8:30 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.
(787) 741-3721
(787) 741-3727
Carr. PR 200 Km. 10
PO Box 868
Vieques, PR 00765-0868
The second Friday of each month,
9:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.
It is recommended that you call the Fajardo Judicial Center before going.
Sessions Chamber, Municipal Assembly, Carr. Número 250 Pedro Marquez, Pueblo Dewey
PO Box 65
Culebra, PR 00775-0065
Judicial Branch services available at the Fajardo Judicial Region
Notarial Archive
(787) 719-6806 / (787) 860-2565
Carr 194, Km 1.7 (frente al comercio J.F. Montalvo Cash & Carry)
Fajardo, PR 00738
Urb. Jardines de Monte Brisa, 5Z 31 Calle 5-20
Fajardo, PR 00738
Investigations Division
(787) 655-0620
extensions 2023 and 2031
First floor of the Judicial Center
(787) 655-0573
(787) 860-0165
Second floor of the Judicial Center
Domestic Violence Court
(787) 655-0620
extensions 2900, 2907, and 2909
Third floor of the Judicial Center
Conflict Mediation Center
(787) 655-0579
(787) 655-0563
Second floor of the Judicial Center
Drug Court
(787) 655-0620
extensions 2760 and 2761
(787) 655-0539
Fourth floor of the Judicial Center
Pro Se Center
(787) 655-0620
extensions 2008, 2009, 2010, and 2011
First floor of the Judicial Center
Family and Minors Social Services Unit
(787) 655-0576
(787) 655-0540
Second floor of the Judicial Center
Jury Duty Administration Bureau
(787) 655-0620 extensions 2210 and 2213
It includes the following municipalities: Arroyo, Guayama, Patillas, and Salinas.
Monday through Friday,
from 8:30 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.
The Investigations Division is open during this time.
(787) 686-2000
(787) 864-2001
José Torres detour (Entrance to Urb. Hacienda, next to the Police Headquarters)
PO Box 300
Guayama, PR 00785-0300
Monday through Friday, 8:30 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.
(787) 824-2310
(787) 824-6554
Calle Miguel Ten (end)
Corner of Calle Carrión Maduro
PO Box 1160
Salinas, PR 00751-1160
The second Friday of each month,
9:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.
Carr. 3, Km. 124.9
Exit to Maunabo
(next to the Police Station)
PO Box 695
Patillas, PR 00723-0695
(Hears cases from Arroyo and Patillas)
Judicial Branch services available at the Guayama Judicial Region
Notarial Archive
(787) 686-2000
extension 2131
Second floor of the Judicial Center
Investigations Division
(787) 686-2027
Basement of the Judicial Center
Conflict Mediation Center
(787) 686-2034
(787) 686-2035
Basement of the Judicial Center
Drug Court
(787) 686-2000
extensions 2776 and 2777
Third floor of the Judicial Center
Jury Duty Administration Bureau
(787) 686-2000
extensions 2219 and 2231
Domestic Violence Court
(787) 686-2000
extensions 2422 and 2912
It includes the following municipalities: Humacao, Las Piedras, Maunabo, Naguabo, and Yabucoa.
Monday through Friday,
from 8:30 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.
The Investigations Division is open Monday through Friday, from 8:30 a.m. – 7:30 p.m.
(787) 656-0010
(787) 656-0068
Avenida Nicanor Vázquez
(across from the Fine Arts Center)
PO Box 885
Humacao, PR 00792-0885
(Hears cases from Hamacao and Naguabo)
To prevent COVID-19 transmission, cases pertaining to this court will be heard at the Humacao Judicial Center.
(787) 893-2386
(787) 266-0290
2 Calle Catalina Morales
(next to the post office)
PO Box 26
Yabucoa, PR 00767-0026
(Hears cases from Maunabo and Yabucoa)
Las Piedras
To prevent COVID-19 transmission, cases pertaining to this court will be heard at the Humacao Judicial Center.
(787) 733-2741
(787) 733-0165
Calle Jesús T. Piñero
No. 77 Interior
PO Box 168
Las Piedras, PR 00771-0168
Judicial Branch services available at the Humacao Judicial Region
Notarial Archive
(787) 656-9886
(787) 852-2682
51 Avenida Font Martelo
Humacao, PR 00971
Investigations Division
(787) 656-0010
extensions 2009, 2010, and 2011
First floor of the Judicial Center
(787) 288-6166
(787) 740-2700
Third floor of the Judicial Center
Drug Court
(787) 656-0010
extensions 2670 and 2671
(787) 656-7121
Second floor of the Judicial Center
Conflict Mediation Center
(787) 656-0025
(787) 656-0049
First floor of the Judicial Center
Family and Minors Social Services Unit
(787) 656-0067
(787) 656-0068
Third floor of the Judicial Center
Pro Se Center
(787) 656-0010
extensions 2117 and 2118
Third floor of the Judicial Center
Jury Duty Administration Bureau
(787) 656-0010
extensions 2206 and 2209
It includes the following municipalities: Añasco, Cabo Rojo, Hormigueros, Lajas, Las Marías, Maricao, Mayagüez, Sabana Grande, and San Germán.
Monday through Friday, from 8:30 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.
The Investigations Division is open Monday through Friday, from 8:30 a.m. – 7:30 p.m.
(787) 652-5555
(787) 833-1550
91 Avenida Hiram David Cabassa Corner of Carr. 2
PO Box 1210
Mayagüez, PR 00681-1210
(Hormigueros, Las Marías, Maricao, and Mayagüez)
To prevent COVID-19 transmission, cases pertaining to this court will be heard in San Germán.
The Investigations Division is open Monday through Friday, from 8:30 a.m. – 7:30 p.m.
(787) 899-1490
(787) 899-1435
92 Avenida Flamboyán
(across from Parque de Bombas)
PO Box 393
Lajas, PR 00667-0393
Monday through Friday, from 8:30 a.m. – 5:00 p.m
(787) 826-2290
(787) 826-0140
Calle Miguel Montalvo No. 114
PO Box 1405
Añasco, PR 00610-1405
(Añasco and Las Marías)
Sabana Grande
Monday through Friday, 8:30 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.
As a temporary measure, this court will hear cases pertaining to Guánica, Guayanilla, Peñuelas, and Yauco.
(787) 873-2390
(787) 804-1345
Barrio Santana, Carr. 102 Km. 39.2
PO Box 44
Sabana Grande, PR 00637-0044
Cabo Rojo
Monday through Friday,
from 8:30 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.
(787) 851-1130
(787) 851-7365
Calle José de Diego
(next to the Government Center)
PO Box 927
Cabo Rojo, PR 00623-0922
(Cabo Rojo and Hormigueros)
San Germán
Monday through Friday,
from 8:30 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.
(787) 892-1340
(787) 892-6495
Avenida Ángel Casto Pérez
(next to the Police Station)
PO Box 223
San Germán, PR 00683-0223
(Maricao, Sabana Grande, and San Germán)
Judicial Branch services available at the Mayagüez Judicial Region
Notarial Archive
(787) 833-2935
(787) 265-5500
110 Calle Enrique Vázquez Baéz
Mayagüez, PR 0068
Court Improvement Project
(787) 652-5555
extension 2660
Fourth floor of the Judicial Center
(787) 652-5593
(787) 832-4254
Third floor of the Judicial Center
Investigations Division
(787) 652-5555
extensions 2010 and 2546
Annex Building of the Judicial Center
Conflict Mediation Center
(787) 652-5585
(787) 652-0731
Second floor of the Judicial Center
Chamber Specialized in Cases of Mental Health
(787) 652-5555
extension 2660
(787) 832-0185
Fourth floor of the Judicial Center
Pro Se Center
(787) 652-5555 extensions
2597, 2598, and 2599
First floor of the Judicial Center
Drug Court
(787) 652-5555
extensions 2776 and 2777
(787) 652-5601
First floor of the Judicial Center
Jury Duty Administration Bureau
(787) 652-5555
extensions 2202, 2281, and 2780
Family and Minors Social Services Unit
(787) 652-5597
(787) 652-5600
Fourth floor of the Judicial Center
It includes the following municipalities: Juana Díaz, Guánica, Guayanilla, Peñuelas, Ponce, Santa Isabel, Villalba, and Yauco.
Monday through Friday, from 8:30 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.
The Investigations Division is open Monday through Friday, 8:30 a.m. – 8:00 p.m.; Saturday, Sunday, and holidays, 1:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m.
(787) 841-1510
(787) 841-7779
2150 Avenida Santiago de los Caballeros
PO Box 7185
Ponce, PR 00732-7185
This court suffered damages during the earthquakes that impacted the southern area of the island. Cases pertaining to Guánica, Guayanilla, Peñuelas, and Yauco will be heard by the Court of First Instance, Sabana Grande Part
(787) 856-1365
(787) 267-5451
Barrio Santana, Carr. 121, Km. 39.2, Sabana Grande, PR 00637-0044
PO Box 3042
Yauco, PR 00698-3042
Juana Díaz
Monday through Friday, from 8:30 a.m. – 5:00 p.m
(787) 837-2535
(787) 260-4255
Government Center
Urb. Esperanza
PO Box 1419
Juana Díaz, PR 00795-1419
(Hears cases from Juana Díaz, Santa Isabel, and Villalba)
Judicial Branch services available at the Ponce Judicial Region
Notarial Archive
(787) 709-4992 / (787) 763-8816
Boulevard Miguel Pou, Lateral road Conchita Dapena
PO Box 7185
Ponce, PR 00732-7185
Investigations Division
(787) 841-1510 extension 2010
First floor of the Judicial Center
(787) 651-2337
(787) 651-2322
Third floor of the Judicial Center
Domestic Violence Court
(787) 651-2342
extension 2070
Lobby of the Judicial Center
Conflict Mediation Center
(787) 651-2351
(787) 651-2352
Basement of the Judicial Center
Drug Court
(787) 841-1510
extensions 2330 and 2331
First floor of the Judicial Center
Pro Se Center
(787) 841-1510
extensions 2534, 2535, 2536, and 2537
Second floor of the Judicial Center
Family and Minors Social Services Unit
(787) 841-1510
extensions 2641 and 2662
(787) 651-2358
Second floor of the Judicial Center
Jury Duty Administration Bureau
(787) 841-1510
extensions 2670 and 2671
San Juan
Monday through Friday, 8:30 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.
The Investigations Division is open from Monday through Sunday, including holidays, 8:30 a.m. – 10:00 p.m.
(787) 641-6363
(787) 250-1697
Avenida Muñoz Rivera
Corner of Coll and Toste Parada 37
PO Box 190887
San Juan, PR 00919-0887
Judicial Branch services available at the San Juan Judicial Region
Notarial Archive
(787) 763-4035/ (787) 751-0463
(787) 758-6756
572 Avenida Ponce de León
Notarial Archive of San Juan
ODIN-Supreme Court
PO Box 190860
San Juan, PR 00919-0860
Court Improvement Project
(787) 641-6363
extension 2681
Basement of the Judicial Center
(787) 641-6122
(787) 832-4254
Fourth floor of the Judicial Center
Investigations Division
(787) 641-6318 or 6319
Basement of the Judicial Center
Conflict Mediation Center
(787) 641-6107
(787) 641-6108
Basement of the Judicial Center
Mental Health Court Progam
(787) 641-6363
extension 2421
(787) 300-5447
Fifth floor of the Judicial Center
Domestic Violence Court
(787) 641-6363
extensions 2070 and 2071
Basement of the Judicial Center
Jury Duty Administration Bureau
(787) 641-6363
extensions 2254 and 2780
Drug Court
(787) 641-6363
extensions 2776 and 2778
(787) 641-6335
Eleventh floor of the Judicial Center
Office of Notarial Inspection
(787) 763-8816
(787) 766-4985
Eleventh floor of the Judicial Center
PO Box 190860
San Juan, PR 00919-0860
Family and Minors Social Services Unit
(787) 641-6355
(787) 641-6392
Basement of the Judicial Center
It includes the following municipalities: Adjuntas, Jayuya, Lares, and Utuado.
Monday through Friday, 8:30 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.
The Investigations Division is open during this time.
(787) 894-2525
(787) 894-4958
Carr. 611, Intersection Carr. 111
24 Avenida Fernando L. Rivas Dominicci
PO Box 2555
Utuado, PR 00641-2555
To prevent COVID-19 transmission, the hours of operation were adjusted to Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Friday, 8:30 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.
(787) 897-2405
(787) 897-1430
1 Calle Felipe Arana
(next to the Police Station)
PO Box 1249
Lares, PR 00669-1249
To prevent COVID-19 transmission, the hours of operation were adjusted to Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday, 8:30 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.
(787) 829-2630 / (787) 829-2070
(787) 829-5004
Calle Rodolfo González (end)
(next to the Police Station)
PO Box 48
Adjuntas, PR 00601-0048
(Hears cases from Adjuntas and Jayuya)
Judicial Branch services available at the Utuado Judicial Region
Notarial Archive
(787) 894-0552
(787) 894-9039
23 Calle Antonio R. Barceló (Altos)
PO Box 1876
Utuado, PR 00641-1876
Jury Duty Administration Bureau
(787) 894-4980 extension 2207
(787) 894-6620
(787) 894-4958
Second floor of the Judicial Center
Investigations Division
(787) 894-6900
First floor of the Judicial Center
Pro Se Center
(787) 894-2525
extensions 2115 and 2116
Second floor of the Judicial Center
Gender Violence Court
(787) 894-6900 / (787) 894-2525
extensions 2080 and 2081
First floor of the Judicial Center
Conflict Mediation Center
(787) 894-6540
(787) 894-4920
Second floor of the Judicial Center
Family and Minors Social Services Unit
(787) 894-4940
(787) 896-3777
First floor of the Judicial Center
Court Improvement Project
(787) 894-2525 extension 236
Second floor of the Judicial Center
Court of Appeals
(787) 474-3777
(787) 294-1824
268 Avenida Muñoz Rivera
San Juan, PR 00918-1913
PO Box 191067
San Juan, PR 00919-1067
Judicial Branch services available at the this court.
Clerk of the Court
(787) 474-3777
extensions 2201 and 2232
(787) 753-5372
Lobby of the Court of Appeal
(787) 474-3777
extensions 2131, 2133, 2134, and 2130
(787) 474-3783
Lobby of the Court of Appeals
Supreme Court
(787) 723-6033
(787) 723-9199
Avenida Ponce de León
Parada 8 ½, San Juan
PO Box 9022392
San Juan, PR 00902-2392
Judicial Branch services available at the this court.
Office of the Chief Justice
(787) 723-6033
extension 2003
(787) 725-4910
Bureau of Translations
(787) 723-6033
extensions 2066 and 2091
(787) 729-8928
(787) 723-6033
extension 2153 and 2154
(787) 289-0143
Continuing Legal Education Program
(787) 641-6600
extensions 5739 and 5783
268 Avenida Muñoz Rivera
San Juan, PR
Office of Notarial Inspection
(787) 763-8816
extensions 5360 and 5356
(787) 766-4985
Avenida Muñoz Rivera
Corner of Calle Coll and Toste, Parada 37
Board of Bar Examiners
(787) 723-6033
extension 2111 and 2139
(787) 289-0169
Office of Court Administration (OAT)
(787) 641-6600
(787) 766-9831
268 Avenida Muñoz Rivera
San Juan, PR 00918-1913
PO Box 190917
San Juan, PR 00919-0917
Offices that offer services to the community
Judicial Evaluation Commission
(787) 641-6600
extensions 5886, 5887, and 5888
Seventeenth floor of the OAT Building
PO Box 190917
San Juan, PR 00919-0917
Office of Education and Community Relations
(787) 641-6600
extension 5707
Sixteenth floor of OAT Building
PO Box 190917
San Juan, PR 00919-0917
Directorate of Judicial Programs
(787) 641-6600
extensions 5702, 5703, and 5710
(787) 641-6990
Fourteenth floor of the OAT Building
PO Box 190917
San Juan, PR 00919-0917
Statistics Office
(787) 641-6600
extension 5639
Fifteenth floor of the OAT Building
PO Box 190917
San Juan, PR 00919-0917
Jury Duty Administration Bureau
(787) 641-6600
extensions 5752-5761
(787) 758-1997
Fourteenth floor of the OAT Building
PO Box 190917
San Juan, PR 00919-0917
Office of Legal Affairs
(787) 641-6600
extension 5806
(787) 766-9184
Twenty-first floor of the OAT Building
PO Box 190917
San Juan, PR 00919-0917
Alternative Dispute Resolution Bureau
extensions 2584 and 2586 / (787) 641-6358
(787) 641-6376
Third floor of the Judicial Center
PO Box 190887
San Juan, PR 00919-0887
Office of Library Services
(787) 641-6600
extensions 5717 and 5718
(787) 758-1620
Fifteenth floor of the OAT Building
PO Box 190917
San Juan, PR 00919-0917
Office of the General Marshal and Emergency Management
(787) 641-6600
extensions 5525 and 5526
(787) 754-2519
OAT Plaza Level
Social Services Office
(787) 641-6600
extensions 5731 and 5732
Fifteenth floor of the OAT Building
PO Box 190917
San Juan, PR 00919-0917
It includes the following municipalities: Aguada, Aguadilla, Isabela, Moca, Rincón, and San Sebastián.
Monday through Friday, 8:30 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.
(787) 891-2575
70 Calle Progreso
(next to Coliseo Luis T. Díaz)
PO Box 1010
Aguadilla, PR 00605-1010
Monday through Friday, 8:30 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.
The Investigations Division is open Monday through Friday, 8:30 a.m. – 7:00 p.m.
(787) 819-5747
Calle Progreso 101, Edificio Aguadilla City Plaza
(across from Farmacia del Carmen)
PO Box 1010
Aguadilla, PR 00605-1010
Monday through Friday, 8:30 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.
(787) 868-2969
Avenida Natio Alers (South detour )
Anexo Mueblería la 15
PO Box 744
Aguada, PR 00602-0744
(Hears cases from Aguada and Rincón)
Monday through Friday, 8:30 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.
(787) 872-5995
Barrio Mora, Carr. 2 Km 110.9
(Lateral road, arriving at Isabela Mall)
PO Box 868
Isabela, PR 00662-0868
San Sebastián
Monday through Friday, 8:30 a.m. – 5:00 p.m
(787) 280-0520
Calle Severo Arena
(next to the Police Station)
PO Box 1571
San Sebastián, PR 00685-1571
(Hears cases from Moca and San Sebastián)
Judicial Branch services available at the Aguadilla Judicial Region
Notarial Archive
(787) 882-2572
53 Calle Betances
PO Box 930
Aguadilla, PR 00605-0930
Family and Minors Social Services Unit
(787) 891-5555
extensions 2182, 2183, and 2671
(787) 882-5334
Third floor of the Judicial Center
It includes the following municipalities: Aibonito, Barranquitas, Coamo, Comerío, and Orocovis.
Monday through Friday, 8:30 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. The Investigations Division is open during this time.
(787) 735-7276
(787) 735-1879
Urb. Los Robles 150 Calle Turquesa
PO Box 1449 Aibonito, PR 00705-1449
Monday through Friday, 8:30 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.
(787) 825-1030
(787) 825-6459
69 Avenida Maratón San Blás
(next to the Police Station)
PO Box 1923
Coamo, PR 00769-1923
Monday through Friday, 8:30 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.
(787) 875-2390
(787) 875-2114
16 Calle Georgetti
PO Box 1113
Comerío, PR 00782-1113
(Hears cases from Comerío and Barranquitas)
Monday through Friday, 8:30 a.m. – 5:00 p.m
(787) 867-2050
(787) 867-3590
8 Calle Antiguo Hospital (Exit to Coamo)
(next to the Police Station)
PO Box 2119
Orocovis, PR 00720-2119
Judicial Branch services available at the Aibonito Judicial Region
(787) 735-9168
(787) 735-1879
Second floor of the Judicial Center
Investigations Division
(787) 735-9166
First floor of the Judicial Center
Conflict Mediation Center
(787) 735-9179
(787) 735-9181
First floor of the Judicial Center
Family and Minors Social Services Unit
(787) 735-7276
(787) 735-1879
Second floor of the Judicial Center
It includes the following municipalities: Arecibo, Barceloneta, Camuy, Ciales, Florida, Hatillo, Manatí, Morovis, and Quebradillas.
(787) 878-7530
extensions 2011 and 2039 / (787) 650-6384
(787) 878-1075 / (787) 878-8282
553 Avenida José A. Cedeño
PO Box 6005
Arecibo, PR 00613-6005
Monday through Friday, 8:30 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.
(787) 871-3310
(787) 871-1993
Calle Lino Corretjer
(next to the Police Station)
PO Box 1340
Ciales, PR 00638-1340
Monday through Friday, 8:30 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.
(787) 846-6850
(787) 970-0925
Juan Cancel Ríos Government Center
Barrio Cataluña, Carr. 140 Km. 68.6
PO Box 951
Barceloneta, PR 00617-0951
(Hears cases from Barceloneta and Florida)
Monday through Friday, 8:30 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.
(787) 898-4230
(787) 262-3297
Calle Ferrocarril Esquina, Carr. 130
(next to Academia de Belleza)
PO Box 66
Hatillo, PR 00659-0066
(Hears cases from Hatillo and Quebradillas)
Monday through Friday, 8:30 a.m. – 5:00 p.m
(787) 898-2050
(787) 262-5152
Camuy Government Center
Avenida Amador 485
PO Box 659
Camuy, PR 00627-0659
Monday through Friday, 8:30 a.m. – 5:00 p.m
(787) 854-2270
(787) 854-6404
Carr. 2 Manatí Government Center
(next to the Police Station)
PO Box 860
Manatí, PR 00674-0860
Judicial Branch services available at the Judicial Region of Arecibo
Notarial Archive
(787) 817-1779 / (787) 240-3917
(787) 878-0090
161 Calle San Felipe
(next to the Marilú Pharmacy)
Investigations Division
(787) 650-6384
Annex Building of the Judicial Center
(787) 650-6383
(787) 878-8282
Second floor of the annex building to the Judicial Center
Domestic Violence Court
(787) 878-7530
extensions 2727 and 2738
Annex Building of the Judicial Center
Conflict Mediation Center
(787) 650-6407
(787) 650-6406
552 Avenida Rotario, Local Number 3
Barrio Hato Tejas
Drug Court
(787) 650-6382
(787) 878-7530
extensions 2776 and 2778
Third floor of the Judicial Center
Jury Duty Administration Bureau
(787) 878-7530
extensions 2211 and 2235
Family and Minors Social Services Unit
(787) 650-6385
(787) 878-8282
Second floor of the Annex Building to the Judicial Center
It includes the following municipalities: Bayamón, Cataño, Corozal, Dorado, Guaynabo, Naranjito, Toa Alta, Toa Baja, Vega Alta, and Vega Baja.
Monday through Friday, 8:30 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.
The Investigations Division is open Monday through Sunday, including holidays, 8:30 a.m. – 10:00 p.m.
(787) 785-3300
(787) 740-2700
Carr. 2 Km. 10.4
Corner of Calle Esteban Padilla
PO Box 60619
Bayamón, PR 00960-6019
(Hears cases from Bayamón, Cataño, and Naranjito)
Sala de Relaciones de Familia y Asuntos de Menores
Monday through Friday, 8:30 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.
(787) 620-9740
(787) 620-9748 / (787) 730-2152
No. 4690 Carr. 167
PO Box 4302
Bayamón, PR 00958-4302
To prevent COVID-19 transmission, cases pertaining to this court will be heard in Toa Alta.
(787) 859-2750
(787) 859-1941
Barrio Cibuco, Carr. 818 Km. 0.5
(across from Urb. Sylva)
PO Box 905
Corozal, PR 00783-0905
Toa Alta
Monday through Friday, 8:30 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.
(787) 870-3317
(787) 870-2395
Calle Muñoz Rivera, Barrio Contorno
(next to the Police barracks)
PO Box 1336
Toa Alta, PR 00954-1336
(Hears cases from Dorado, Toa Alta, and Toa Baja)
Monday through Friday, 8:30 a.m. – 5:00 p.m
(787) 720-6500
(787) 790-7740
Government Center, Carr. 20 Km. 5
PO Box 1189
Guaynabo, PR 00970-1189
Toa Baja
Monday through Friday, 8:30 a.m. – 5:00 p.m
(787) 261-6610
(787) 261-0576
Centro Comercial Levittown Plaza I
Urb. Levittown, Carr. 165
1451 Calle Marginal Suite, No. 3
Toa Baja, PR 00949-4107
(Hears cases from Dorado, Toa Alta, and Toa Baja)
Vega Baja
Monday through Friday, 8:30 a.m. – 5:00 p.m
(787) 858-2725
(787) 858-2575
Carr. 2 Km. 38.3
(next to the Government Center)
PO Box 4158
Vega Baja, PR 00964-4158
(Hears cases from Vega Baja and Vega Alta)
Judicial Branch services available at the Bayamón Judicial Region
Notarial Archive
(787) 622-2544
(787) 995-0328
39 Calle José Celso Barbosa
Court Improvement Project
(787) 620-9740
extension 2424
Fourth floor of the Family and Minors Court
(787) 288-6166
(787) 740-2700
Third floor of the Judicial Center
Investigations Division
(787) 288-6105
Basement of the Judicial Center
Conflict Mediation Center
(787) 288-6133
(787) 288-6179
Third floor of the Judicial Center
Domestic Violence Court
(787) 785-3300
extensions 2423 and 2424
Fourth floor of the Judicial Center
Pro Se Center
(787) 785-3300
extension 2174
Third floor of the Judicial Center
(787) 620-9740
extensions 2120, 2121, 2122, 2123, and 2124
First floor of the Family and Minors Court
Drug Court
(787) 785-3300
extensions 2051 and 2451
Sixth floor of the Judicial Center
Jury Duty Administration Bureau
(787) 785-3300
extensions 2067 and 2127
Family and Minors Social Services Unit
(787) 620-9740
(787) 878-8282
Second floor of the Family and Minors Court
It includes the following municipalities: Aguas Buenas, Caguas, Cayey, Cidra, Gurabo, Juncos, and San Lorenzo.
Monday through Friday, 8:30 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.
The Investigations Division is open Monday through Friday, 8:30 a.m. – 8:00 p.m.
(787) 653-0070
(787) 653-0154
Carr. PR 1, Intersection PR 189
Km. 0.4, Barrio Bairoa
(North entrance Pueblo Caguas)
PO Box 491
Caguas, PR 00726-0491
(Hears cases from Aguas Buenas, Caguas, Cayey, Cidra, Gurabo, Juncos, and San Lorenzo)
Judicial Branch services available at the Caguas Judicial Region
Notarial Archive
(787) 665-5725 / (787) 328-9058
(787) 743-8050
43 Calle Ruiz Belvis
Corner of Calle Acosta
Caguas, PR 00725
Investigations Division
(787) 653-2584
First floor of the Judicial Center
(787) 653-1231
Second floor of the Judicial Center
Domestic Violence Court
(787) 653-0070
extensions 2600, 2601, and 2603
First floor of the Judicial Center
Conflict Mediation Center
(787) 653-122
Second floor of the Judicial Center
Drug Court
(787) 653-0175
extensions 2630 and 2631
Fifth floor of the Judicial Center
Pro Se Center
(787) 653-0175
extensions 2612, 2613, and 2614
Sixth floor of the Judicial Center
Family and Minors Social Services Unit
(787) 653-1245
(787) 745-5535
Fifth floor of the Judicial Center
Jury Duty Administration Bureau
(787) 653-0070
extensions 2216 and 2224
It includes the following municipalities: Carolina, Canóvanas, Loíza, and Trujillo Alto.
Monday through Friday, from 8:30 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.
The Investigations Division is open during this time.
(787) 752-6900
(787) 257-3545
CAvenida 65 Infantería, Carr. 3 Km. 11.7
(Entrance to Urb. Mansiones de Carolina)
PO Box 267
Carolina, PR 00986-0267
(Hears cases from Carolina, Canóvanas, Loíza, and Trujillo Alto)
Judicial Branch services available at the Carolina Judicial Region
Investigations Division
(787) 752-6900 extensions 2272, 2273, and 2299
First floor of the Judicial Center
(787) 776-4547
(787) 257-3545
Third floor of the Judicial Center
Domestic Violence Court
(787) 752-6900
extensions 2702, 2703, and 2704
Third floor of the Judicial Center
Conflict Mediation Center
(787) 776-4536
(787) 776-4559
First floor of the Judicial Center
Drug Court
(787) 752-6900
extensions 2137 and 2138
(787) 752-8805
First floor of the Judicial Center
Pro Se Center
(787) 752-6900
extensions 2149, 2150, 2152, and 2153
Third floor of the Judicial Center
Family and Minors Social Services Unit
(787) 776-4549
(787) 768-0565
Third floor of the Judicial Center
Jury Duty Administration Bureau
(787) 752-6900 extensions 2199 and 2298
It includes the following municipalities: Ceiba, Culebra, Fajardo, Luquillo, Río Grande, and Vieques.
Monday through Friday,
from 8:30 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.
The Investigations Division is open during this time.
(787) 655-0620
(787) 655-0560
Avenida Marcelito Gotay Edificio 461
Corner of Barriada Jerusalén
PO Box 70009
Fajardo, PR 00738-7009
(Hears cases from Ceiba, Cuebra, Fajardo, Luquillo, and Río Grande)
Monday through Friday, 8:30 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.
(787) 741-3721
(787) 741-3727
Carr. PR 200 Km. 10
PO Box 868
Vieques, PR 00765-0868
The second Friday of each month,
9:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.
It is recommended that you call the Fajardo Judicial Center before going.
Sessions Chamber, Municipal Assembly, Carr. Número 250 Pedro Marquez, Pueblo Dewey
PO Box 65
Culebra, PR 00775-0065
Judicial Branch services available at the Fajardo Judicial Region
Notarial Archive
(787) 719-6806 / (787) 860-2565
Carr 194, Km 1.7 (frente al comercio J.F. Montalvo Cash & Carry)
Fajardo, PR 00738
Urb. Jardines de Monte Brisa, 5Z 31 Calle 5-20
Fajardo, PR 00738
Investigations Division
(787) 655-0620
extensions 2023 and 2031
First floor of the Judicial Center
(787) 655-0573
(787) 860-0165
Second floor of the Judicial Center
Domestic Violence Court
(787) 655-0620
extensions 2900, 2907, and 2909
Third floor of the Judicial Center
Conflict Mediation Center
(787) 655-0579
(787) 655-0563
Second floor of the Judicial Center
Drug Court
(787) 655-0620
extensions 2760 and 2761
(787) 655-0539
Fourth floor of the Judicial Center
Pro Se Center
(787) 655-0620
extensions 2008, 2009, 2010, and 2011
First floor of the Judicial Center
Family and Minors Social Services Unit
(787) 655-0576
(787) 655-0540
Second floor of the Judicial Center
Jury Duty Administration Bureau
(787) 655-0620 extensions 2210 and 2213
It includes the following municipalities: Arroyo, Guayama, Patillas, and Salinas.
Monday through Friday,
from 8:30 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.
The Investigations Division is open during this time.
(787) 686-2000
(787) 864-2001
José Torres detour (Entrance to Urb. Hacienda, next to the Police Headquarters)
PO Box 300
Guayama, PR 00785-0300
Monday through Friday, 8:30 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.
(787) 824-2310
(787) 824-6554
Calle Miguel Ten (end)
Corner of Calle Carrión Maduro
PO Box 1160
Salinas, PR 00751-1160
The second Friday of each month,
9:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.
Carr. 3, Km. 124.9
Exit to Maunabo
(next to the Police Station)
PO Box 695
Patillas, PR 00723-0695
(Hears cases from Arroyo and Patillas)
Judicial Branch services available at the Guayama Judicial Region
Notarial Archive
(787) 686-2000
extension 2131
Second floor of the Judicial Center
Investigations Division
(787) 686-2027
Basement of the Judicial Center
Conflict Mediation Center
(787) 686-2034
(787) 686-2035
Basement of the Judicial Center
Drug Court
(787) 686-2000
extensions 2776 and 2777
Third floor of the Judicial Center
Jury Duty Administration Bureau
(787) 686-2000
extensions 2219 and 2231
Domestic Violence Court
(787) 686-2000
extensions 2422 and 2912
It includes the following municipalities: Humacao, Las Piedras, Maunabo, Naguabo, and Yabucoa.
Monday through Friday,
from 8:30 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.
The Investigations Division is open Monday through Friday, from 8:30 a.m. – 7:30 p.m.
(787) 656-0010
(787) 656-0068
Avenida Nicanor Vázquez
(across from the Fine Arts Center)
PO Box 885
Humacao, PR 00792-0885
(Hears cases from Hamacao and Naguabo)
To prevent COVID-19 transmission, cases pertaining to this court will be heard at the Humacao Judicial Center.
(787) 893-2386
(787) 266-0290
2 Calle Catalina Morales
(next to the post office)
PO Box 26
Yabucoa, PR 00767-0026
(Hears cases from Maunabo and Yabucoa)
Las Piedras
To prevent COVID-19 transmission, cases pertaining to this court will be heard at the Humacao Judicial Center.
(787) 733-2741
(787) 733-0165
Calle Jesús T. Piñero
No. 77 Interior
PO Box 168
Las Piedras, PR 00771-0168
Judicial Branch services available at the Humacao Judicial Region
Notarial Archive
(787) 656-9886
(787) 852-2682
51 Avenida Font Martelo
Humacao, PR 00971
Investigations Division
(787) 656-0010
extensions 2009, 2010, and 2011
First floor of the Judicial Center
(787) 288-6166
(787) 740-2700
Third floor of the Judicial Center
Drug Court
(787) 656-0010
extensions 2670 and 2671
(787) 656-7121
Second floor of the Judicial Center
Conflict Mediation Center
(787) 656-0025
(787) 656-0049
First floor of the Judicial Center
Family and Minors Social Services Unit
(787) 656-0067
(787) 656-0068
Third floor of the Judicial Center
Pro Se Center
(787) 656-0010
extensions 2117 and 2118
Third floor of the Judicial Center
Jury Duty Administration Bureau
(787) 656-0010
extensions 2206 and 2209
It includes the following municipalities: Añasco, Cabo Rojo, Hormigueros, Lajas, Las Marías, Maricao, Mayagüez, Sabana Grande, and San Germán.
Monday through Friday, from 8:30 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.
The Investigations Division is open Monday through Friday, from 8:30 a.m. – 7:30 p.m.
(787) 652-5555
(787) 833-1550
91 Avenida Hiram David Cabassa Corner of Carr. 2
PO Box 1210
Mayagüez, PR 00681-1210
(Hormigueros, Las Marías, Maricao, and Mayagüez)
To prevent COVID-19 transmission, cases pertaining to this court will be heard in San Germán.
The Investigations Division is open Monday through Friday, from 8:30 a.m. – 7:30 p.m.
(787) 899-1490
(787) 899-1435
92 Avenida Flamboyán
(across from Parque de Bombas)
PO Box 393
Lajas, PR 00667-0393
Monday through Friday, from 8:30 a.m. – 5:00 p.m
(787) 826-2290
(787) 826-0140
Calle Miguel Montalvo No. 114
PO Box 1405
Añasco, PR 00610-1405
(Añasco and Las Marías)
Sabana Grande
Monday through Friday, 8:30 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.
As a temporary measure, this court will hear cases pertaining to Guánica, Guayanilla, Peñuelas, and Yauco.
(787) 873-2390
(787) 804-1345
Barrio Santana, Carr. 102 Km. 39.2
PO Box 44
Sabana Grande, PR 00637-0044
Cabo Rojo
Monday through Friday,
from 8:30 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.
(787) 851-1130
(787) 851-7365
Calle José de Diego
(next to the Government Center)
PO Box 927
Cabo Rojo, PR 00623-0922
(Cabo Rojo and Hormigueros)
San Germán
Monday through Friday,
from 8:30 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.
(787) 892-1340
(787) 892-6495
Avenida Ángel Casto Pérez
(next to the Police Station)
PO Box 223
San Germán, PR 00683-0223
(Maricao, Sabana Grande, and San Germán)
Judicial Branch services available at the Mayagüez Judicial Region
Notarial Archive
(787) 833-2935
(787) 265-5500
110 Calle Enrique Vázquez Baéz
Mayagüez, PR 0068
Court Improvement Project
(787) 652-5555
extension 2660
Fourth floor of the Judicial Center
(787) 652-5593
(787) 832-4254
Third floor of the Judicial Center
Investigations Division
(787) 652-5555
extensions 2010 and 2546
Annex Building of the Judicial Center
Conflict Mediation Center
(787) 652-5585
(787) 652-0731
Second floor of the Judicial Center
Chamber Specialized in Cases of Mental Health
(787) 652-5555
extension 2660
(787) 832-0185
Fourth floor of the Judicial Center
Pro Se Center
(787) 652-5555 extensions
2597, 2598, and 2599
First floor of the Judicial Center
Drug Court
(787) 652-5555
extensions 2776 and 2777
(787) 652-5601
First floor of the Judicial Center
Jury Duty Administration Bureau
(787) 652-5555
extensions 2202, 2281, and 2780
Family and Minors Social Services Unit
(787) 652-5597
(787) 652-5600
Fourth floor of the Judicial Center
It includes the following municipalities: Juana Díaz, Guánica, Guayanilla, Peñuelas, Ponce, Santa Isabel, Villalba, and Yauco.
Monday through Friday, from 8:30 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.
The Investigations Division is open Monday through Friday, 8:30 a.m. – 8:00 p.m.; Saturday, Sunday, and holidays, 1:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m.
(787) 841-1510
(787) 841-7779
2150 Avenida Santiago de los Caballeros
PO Box 7185
Ponce, PR 00732-7185
This court suffered damages during the earthquakes that impacted the southern area of the island. Cases pertaining to Guánica, Guayanilla, Peñuelas, and Yauco will be heard by the Court of First Instance, Sabana Grande Part
(787) 856-1365
(787) 267-5451
Barrio Santana, Carr. 121, Km. 39.2, Sabana Grande, PR 00637-0044
PO Box 3042
Yauco, PR 00698-3042
Juana Díaz
Monday through Friday, from 8:30 a.m. – 5:00 p.m
(787) 837-2535
(787) 260-4255
Government Center
Urb. Esperanza
PO Box 1419
Juana Díaz, PR 00795-1419
(Hears cases from Juana Díaz, Santa Isabel, and Villalba)
Judicial Branch services available at the Ponce Judicial Region
Notarial Archive
(787) 709-4992 / (787) 763-8816
Boulevard Miguel Pou, Lateral road Conchita Dapena
PO Box 7185
Ponce, PR 00732-7185
Investigations Division
(787) 841-1510 extension 2010
First floor of the Judicial Center
(787) 651-2337
(787) 651-2322
Third floor of the Judicial Center
Domestic Violence Court
(787) 651-2342
extension 2070
Lobby of the Judicial Center
Conflict Mediation Center
(787) 651-2351
(787) 651-2352
Basement of the Judicial Center
Drug Court
(787) 841-1510
extensions 2330 and 2331
First floor of the Judicial Center
Pro Se Center
(787) 841-1510
extensions 2534, 2535, 2536, and 2537
Second floor of the Judicial Center
Family and Minors Social Services Unit
(787) 841-1510
extensions 2641 and 2662
(787) 651-2358
Second floor of the Judicial Center
Jury Duty Administration Bureau
(787) 841-1510
extensions 2670 and 2671
San Juan
Monday through Friday, 8:30 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.
The Investigations Division is open from Monday through Sunday, including holidays, 8:30 a.m. – 10:00 p.m.
(787) 641-6363
(787) 250-1697
Avenida Muñoz Rivera
Corner of Coll and Toste Parada 37
PO Box 190887
San Juan, PR 00919-0887
Judicial Branch services available at the San Juan Judicial Region
Notarial Archive
(787) 763-4035/ (787) 751-0463
(787) 758-6756
572 Avenida Ponce de León
Notarial Archive of San Juan
ODIN-Supreme Court
PO Box 190860
San Juan, PR 00919-0860
Court Improvement Project
(787) 641-6363
extension 2681
Basement of the Judicial Center
(787) 641-6122
(787) 832-4254
Fourth floor of the Judicial Center
Investigations Division
(787) 641-6318 or 6319
Basement of the Judicial Center
Conflict Mediation Center
(787) 641-6107
(787) 641-6108
Basement of the Judicial Center
Mental Health Court Progam
(787) 641-6363
extension 2421
(787) 300-5447
Fifth floor of the Judicial Center
Domestic Violence Court
(787) 641-6363
extensions 2070 and 2071
Basement of the Judicial Center
Jury Duty Administration Bureau
(787) 641-6363
extensions 2254 and 2780
Drug Court
(787) 641-6363
extensions 2776 and 2778
(787) 641-6335
Eleventh floor of the Judicial Center
Office of Notarial Inspection
(787) 763-8816
(787) 766-4985
Eleventh floor of the Judicial Center
PO Box 190860
San Juan, PR 00919-0860
Family and Minors Social Services Unit
(787) 641-6355
(787) 641-6392
Basement of the Judicial Center
It includes the following municipalities: Adjuntas, Jayuya, Lares, and Utuado.
Monday through Friday, 8:30 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.
The Investigations Division is open during this time.
(787) 894-2525
(787) 894-4958
Carr. 611, Intersection Carr. 111
24 Avenida Fernando L. Rivas Dominicci
PO Box 2555
Utuado, PR 00641-2555
To prevent COVID-19 transmission, the hours of operation were adjusted to Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Friday, 8:30 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.
(787) 897-2405
(787) 897-1430
1 Calle Felipe Arana
(next to the Police Station)
PO Box 1249
Lares, PR 00669-1249
To prevent COVID-19 transmission, the hours of operation were adjusted to Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday, 8:30 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.
(787) 829-2630 / (787) 829-2070
(787) 829-5004
Calle Rodolfo González (end)
(next to the Police Station)
PO Box 48
Adjuntas, PR 00601-0048
(Hears cases from Adjuntas and Jayuya)
Judicial Branch services available at the Utuado Judicial Region
Notarial Archive
(787) 894-0552
(787) 894-9039
23 Calle Antonio R. Barceló (Altos)
PO Box 1876
Utuado, PR 00641-1876
Jury Duty Administration Bureau
(787) 894-4980 extension 2207
(787) 894-6620
(787) 894-4958
Second floor of the Judicial Center
Investigations Division
(787) 894-6900
First floor of the Judicial Center
Pro Se Center
(787) 894-2525
extensions 2115 and 2116
Second floor of the Judicial Center
Gender Violence Court
(787) 894-6900 / (787) 894-2525
extensions 2080 and 2081
First floor of the Judicial Center
Conflict Mediation Center
(787) 894-6540
(787) 894-4920
Second floor of the Judicial Center
Family and Minors Social Services Unit
(787) 894-4940
(787) 896-3777
First floor of the Judicial Center
Court Improvement Project
(787) 894-2525 extension 236
Second floor of the Judicial Center
Court of Appeals
(787) 474-3777
(787) 294-1824
268 Avenida Muñoz Rivera
San Juan, PR 00918-1913
PO Box 191067
San Juan, PR 00919-1067
Judicial Branch services available at the this court.
Clerk of the Court
(787) 474-3777
extensions 2201 and 2232
(787) 753-5372
Lobby of the Court of Appeal
(787) 474-3777
extensions 2131, 2133, 2134, and 2130
(787) 474-3783
Lobby of the Court of Appeals
Supreme Court
(787) 723-6033
(787) 723-9199
Avenida Ponce de León
Parada 8 ½, San Juan
PO Box 9022392
San Juan, PR 00902-2392
Judicial Branch services available at the this court.
Office of the Chief Justice
(787) 723-6033
extension 2003
(787) 725-4910
Bureau of Translations
(787) 723-6033
extensions 2066 and 2091
(787) 729-8928
(787) 723-6033
extension 2153 and 2154
(787) 289-0143
Continuing Legal Education Program
(787) 641-6600
extensions 5739 and 5783
268 Avenida Muñoz Rivera
San Juan, PR
Office of Notarial Inspection
(787) 763-8816
extensions 5360 and 5356
(787) 766-4985
Avenida Muñoz Rivera
Corner of Calle Coll and Toste, Parada 37
Board of Bar Examiners
(787) 723-6033
extension 2111 and 2139
(787) 289-0169
Office of Court Administration (OAT)
(787) 641-6600
(787) 766-9831
268 Avenida Muñoz Rivera
San Juan, PR 00918-1913
PO Box 190917
San Juan, PR 00919-0917
Offices that offer services to the community
Judicial Evaluation Commission
(787) 641-6600
extensions 5886, 5887, and 5888
Seventeenth floor of the OAT Building
PO Box 190917
San Juan, PR 00919-0917
Office of Education and Community Relations
(787) 641-6600
extension 5707
Sixteenth floor of OAT Building
PO Box 190917
San Juan, PR 00919-0917
Directorate of Judicial Programs
(787) 641-6600
extensions 5702, 5703, and 5710
(787) 641-6990
Fourteenth floor of the OAT Building
PO Box 190917
San Juan, PR 00919-0917
Statistics Office
(787) 641-6600
extension 5639
Fifteenth floor of the OAT Building
PO Box 190917
San Juan, PR 00919-0917
Jury Duty Administration Bureau
(787) 641-6600
extensions 5752-5761
(787) 758-1997
Fourteenth floor of the OAT Building
PO Box 190917
San Juan, PR 00919-0917
Office of Legal Affairs
(787) 641-6600
extension 5806
(787) 766-9184
Twenty-first floor of the OAT Building
PO Box 190917
San Juan, PR 00919-0917
Alternative Dispute Resolution Bureau
extensions 2584 and 2586 / (787) 641-6358
(787) 641-6376
Third floor of the Judicial Center
PO Box 190887
San Juan, PR 00919-0887
Office of Library Services
(787) 641-6600
extensions 5717 and 5718
(787) 758-1620
Fifteenth floor of the OAT Building
PO Box 190917
San Juan, PR 00919-0917
Office of the General Marshal and Emergency Management
(787) 641-6600
extensions 5525 and 5526
(787) 754-2519
OAT Plaza Level
Social Services Office
(787) 641-6600
extensions 5731 and 5732
Fifteenth floor of the OAT Building
PO Box 190917
San Juan, PR 00919-0917