Judicial Branch Information Line
What is the Judicial Branch Information Line?
The Judicial Branch Information Line is a means through which people can call and receive information on various topics.
When contacting us, you may choose between two options. Depending on the option selected, the call is redirected to specialized staff who can provide you with the proper information. The options are the following:
- Information
The staff can answer general legal questions without offering legal advice, consultations related to the Judicial Branch technology, and provide details concerning court operation and Judicial Branch facilities.
- Support for Self-Represented Litigants
Specialized staff from the Self-Represented Litigants Access Program can:
- Provide support with the electronic filing of applications for protection orders, as well as orders under the Mental Health Code.
- provide general information about court proceedings.
- assist you in completing Judicial Branch forms.
- refer you to the Pro Se Center of the corresponding judicial region.
- refer you to entities that offer other services (such as legal advice).
When is the Information Line available?
It is available Monday through Friday from 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Information Line
(787) 641-6263
Office of Education and Community Relations
(787) 641-6600 ext. 5707