Dating Violence
Law No. 54 of 1989, known as the Domestic Abuse Prevention and Intervention Act, as amended, protects all intimate relationships, regardless of whether they live together as partners or have sexual relations. This includes the dating relationships of teenagers who have a consensual relationship, which is to say, a relationship in which both parties consent or agree to be together.
General Information on Dating Violence
What is dating violence?
It refers to domestic violence cases. Law No. 54 of 1989 defines domestic abuse as a constant pattern of conduct involving:
- threats
- physical force
- intimidation
- persecution
- psychological violence (dishonor, discrediting, or scorn, insults, unreasonable limitation to access and handling of common property or money, blackmail, constant surveillance, isolation, among others)
- sexual violence within the relationship
What type of damage is caused or may be caused during an act of domestic violence?
It can be:
- harm to another person
- physical injury to the victim or damage to their property
- severe emotional damage
What should you do if a person who is a underage tells you that they are or believe they are going through a situation of domestic violence?
When a person under the age of 18 is going through or believes they are going through a situation of domestic violence as a result of physical violence or a pattern of psychological or emotional violence within the dating relationship, they may petition the court for a protection order under Law No. 54 of 1989. They must be accompanied by an adult in this process.
Reviewed: November 2024