Mission and Vision of the Judicial Branch
To impart justice and decide cases, controversies, and disputes with independent criteria, diligence, sensitivity, and impartiality, guaranteeing the rights and freedoms of the People under the Constitution and laws of the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico.
The Judicial Branch will be accessible to all, diligent in the adjudication of matters, sensitive to social issues, innovative in the provision of services, committed to administrative excellence and to its human capital, and deserving of the people’s trust.
It shall provide every person with access to the court. It shall educate and orient citizens on judicial proceedings and ensure that they have adequate legal representation when appearing as a party to a case.
It shall promptly settle matters and disputes, using innovative methods and processes while guaranteeing a fair, sensitive, and unbiased treatment.
It shall respond to the Nation’s social realities by promoting strategies that address the problems with the most significant impact on specific sectors. It shall take the lead in promoting collaborative initiatives between governmental and non-governmental components in order to better address the issues under its consideration.
It shall remain at the forefront in the use of the latest technologies and administrative practices to deliver an efficient and effective service.
It shall uphold a work culture that provides for the best administrative practices, encourages effective performance, and protects the health and safety, leadership, growth, and professional development of its judges and all of its personnel.
It shall provide exceptional service to meet the people’s expectations. It shall be accountable to the people for its performance.