3 | Alternatives to the H-1B Visa (ADM-2021-1454) | 2:00 PM | American Immigration Lawyers Association | Webinar | 1.5 Generales | 202-507-7600 |
6 | Estrategias de educación legal popular sobre dominio y titularidad (PROP-2021-508) | 3:00 PM | Ayuda Legal Puerto Rico, Inc. | Fundación Luis Muñoz Marín | 1.5 Generales | 585-1022 |
7 | Etica Profesional: Reflexiones sobre lo permitido y lo prohibido (ETI-2020-1104) | 9:00 AM | Legal Education, Inc. | Webinar | 4 en Ética | 939-428-4234 |
7 | El matrimonio y otras relaciones de pareja en el Nuevo Código Civil (FAM-2021-448) |
12:00 PM | Taller Jurídico Educativo, Inc. | Universidad Albizu, Mayagüez | 2 Generales | 800-2666 |
10-12 | The Virtual CLE (2021) (COME-2021-1686) | 12:30 PM | IRS, Office of Chief Counsel, Human Resources Division | Satelite-Live Interactive Broadcast | 7.08, incluyendo 1 en Ética | 202-317-3580 |
10 | Advanced L-1 Strategies: Navigating the Changing Terrain (ADM-20211449) | 2:00 PM | American Immigration Lawyers Association | Webinar | 1.5 Generales | 202-507-7600 |
11-15 | The 80th Annual Meeting of the Association of Defense Trial Attorneys (MISC-2021-1652) | 9:00 AM | Association of Defense Trial Attorneys | Asheville, NC | 6.50 Generales | 360-748-9281 |
12 |
Cobro de dinero vía Regla 60 (LITI-2021-1219) |
1:00 PM | Educación Jurídica, Inc. | Zoom | 4 Generales | 296-4624 |
12 | Adjustment Exceptions that Feel Like Magic (ADM-2021-1453) | 2:00 PM | American Immigration Lawyers Association | Webinar | 1.5 Generales | 202-507-7600 |
12 | Third-Party Discovery: Where to Turn, What to Look for, and How to Enforce Panel Orders and Subpoenas (LITI-2021-1228) | 6:00 AM | Public Investors Arbitration Bar Association (PIABA) | Webinar | 1 General | 405-241-5383 |
17 |
Responsabilidad por Impericia Médico Hospitalaria (DAÑOS-2018-89) |
1:00 PM | Educación Jurídica, Inc. | Zoom | 3 Generales | 296-4624 |
18 |
Despierta y Prepárate: Uso ofensivo y Defensivo de la Sentencia Sumaria (LITI-2021-1217) |
2:00 PM | Educación Jurídica, Inc. | Zoom | 3 Generales | 296-4624 |
19 | 2021 Asylum Virtual Conference (ADM-2021-1465) | 9:30 AM | American Immigration Lawyers Association | Web Conference | 6 Generales | 202-507-7600 |
19 | Ethical Obligations in the Times of Disasters (ETI-2021-1239) | 12:30 PM | International Women’s Insolvency & Restructuring Confederation (IWIRC) | Webinar | 1 en Ética | 759-4213 |
19 |
Ley de Acoso Laboral (LABO-2021-895) |
2:00 PM | Educación Jurídica, Inc. | Zoom | 3 Generales | 296-4624 |
20 | La transformación y la flexibilidad laboral en medio de la pandemia (LABO-2021-879) | 1:15 PM | Global Outstanding Educational Services (GOES) | Embassy Suites, Isla Verde | 3 Generales | 384-5492 |
21 | La reglamentación y adjudicación en las agencias administrativas tras el impacto del COVID-19 (ADM-2021-1423) | 1:15 PM | Global Outstanding Educational Services (GOES) | Embassy Suites, Isla Verde | 4 Generales | 384-5492 |
24-25 | 2021 08 Combating Sexual and Domestic Violence (PEN-2021-993) | 9:00 AM | National Association of Attorneys General | The Jefferson Hotel, Richmond, VA | 7.25 Generales | 202-326-6000 |
24 | TN Strategies and Trends: Consular and Ports-of-Entry (ADM-1455) | 2:00 PM | American Immigration Lawyers Association | Webinar | 1.5 Generales | 202-507-7600 |
25 |
Derecho de Imagen (PROP-2021-504) |
2:00 PM | Educación Jurídica, Inc. | Zoom | 3 Generales | 296-4624 |
25-27 | NABT 2021 Annual Conference (COME-2021-1670) | 1:00 PM | National Association of Bankruptcy Trustees (NABT) | Chicago, IL | 12.75, incluyendo 2.5 en Ética | 888-566-2993 |
25-27 | NABT 2021 Annual Conference (COME-2021-1670) | 1:00 PM | National Association of Bankruptcy Trustees (NABT) | Zoom | 12.75, incluyendo 2.5 en Ética | 888-566-2993 |
26 | What on Earth Is the Wage? The State of Play on Prevailing Wages (ADM-2021-1456) | 2:00 PM | American Immigration Lawyers Association | Webinar | 1.5 Generales | 202-507-7600 |
26 | P.O.W.E.R. Act Public Event (MISC-2021-1722) | 2:00 PM | United States District Court District of PR | Virtual | 2.17 Generales | 772-3016 |
27 | Forensic Toxicology for Attorneys: Alcohol Drugs & How to Use and Expert (MISC-2020-1373) | 9:00 AM | Toxicology Labs, Inc. | Teleconference | 7 Generales | 402-935-0401 |
25-27 | Public Sector EEO & Employment Law Update (LABO-2021-905) | 11:30 AM | National Employment Law Institute (NELI) | Live Webinar | 10.5 Generales | 303-861-5600 |
27 |
Código Civil 2020: Regímenes Económicos Matrimoniales y Las Capitulaciones (FAM-2021-436) |
1:00 PM | Educación Jurídica, Inc. | Zoom |
4, incluyendo 2 en Notaría |
296-4624 |
28 |
Remedios provisionales, recursos extraordinarios y procedimientos legales especiales (LITI-2020-1125) |
9:00 AM | Legal Education, Inc | Webinar | 4 Generales | 939-428-4234 |
28 |
Ética profesional – Violaciones éticas que pueden resultar en sanciones o desaforo: Cómo enfrentar este procedimiento (ETI-2021-1226) |
9:00 AM | Educación Jurídica, Inc. | Zoom | 4 en Ética |
296-4624 |
31/Agosto/21 Al 3/sept/21 | United States Sentencing Guidelines Annual Training (PEN-2021-972) | 10:00 AM | US Sentencing Commission & US District Court PR | Virtual | 6 Generales | 772-3016 772-3018 |
31 | Hot Topics in Marriage-Based Adjustment of Status (ADM-2021-1457) | 2:00 PM | American Immigration Lawyers Association | Webinar | 1.5 Generales | 202-507-7600 |